Many people avoid driving a van at all costs. For some reason, vans have a bad reputation in the style department, but some of their capabilities are just too great to overlook. People frequently look to car rentals when traveling, because that’s what they know best. However, when you have your life packed into bags for a week or two, extra cargo space is invaluable. EZ Rent A Van offers a variety of van rentals for a wide range of occasions. Today, we’re listing a few common uses of our van rentals to consider the next time you need a rental vehicle.

Reasons to Rent a Van

Family Vacations

This is the most obvious use for a minivan rental, but let us give you the reasons why. Minivans can seat up to seven passengers and have a large storage capacity. The seating is very comfortable, and you won’t be complaining about the fuel efficiency either. Finally, your kids will love being able to stretch out rather than being squished between two siblings in the backseat.

Group Outings

If you plan on traveling locally with a large group, it’s a great idea to rent a passenger van for the day. Whether you’re traveling with a team to a sporting event or escaping the office for some outdoor time as a group, a passenger van will keep everyone together. Caravanning with several vehicles often ends up with a separated group, plus you’re wasting gasoline in several vehicles when everybody could fit in one. Our passenger vans can seat 12 or 15 passengers.


When you have belongings to get from point A to point B, don’t waste time making multiple car trips — and don’t waste money renting a truck. A cargo van rental from EZ Rent A Van in San Diego is an efficient, affordable alternative. Rent one today to move your freshman off to college, or use one to haul your wedding gifts home from the reception hall.

EZ Rent A Van offers a variety of vans to get you on the road to wherever you may be going. You won’t regret the extra space that a van rental can give your family while on a road trip or provide for a group outing, even if you have 15 passengers. Contact us in San Diego today at (760) 846-6223 for further details about our rental vans, or make a reservation online.